responsiveVoice.cancel(); bb46.onclick = function(){ こまめにお金を引き出したりする予定のある方は、銀行のATMが自分の活動圏内のどこに何個あるのかを確認しておくといいと思います。

", "US English Female"); 発音を聞く }else{

It will mature next June.

if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ } ", "US English Female"); or/and

}; }else{ if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ responsiveVoice.cancel();

}else{ responsiveVoice.cancel(); 銀行の手続き別に使えるフレーズたちをご紹介しました。 ", "US English Female");

発音を聞く responsiveVoice.cancel(); responsiveVoice.speak("I want to send 1,000 dollars to Japan. Can I exchange a Japanese yen check into dollars? responsiveVoice.cancel();

responsiveVoice.speak("Could you deposit this check into my saving account? みなさんが留学やワーキングホリデーで行かれるであろうアメリカやカナダ、オーストラリアなども、ほとんどの場所でカード払いができます。

responsiveVoice.speak("Could you show me how to use the ATM? }else{ ", "US English Female"); 発音を聞く

For the rest of the money, I’d like 1,000 dollars in cash and 2,000 dollars in traveler’s checks. ", "US English Female"); or/and It earns an interest of 3.25%. Please make the check out to Benson and Co. / The payee will be Benson and Co. 発音を聞く if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){


responsiveVoice.speak("I\'d like to make a withdrawal.

入出金 You need to write down your PIN number (personal identification number), too. responsiveVoice.cancel(); };

近年では、スマートフォンなどの携帯電話で支払いができる場所も多くなってきました。 I’d like to close my account.

発音を聞く }else{

responsiveVoice.speak("For the rest of the money, I\'d like 1,000 dollars in cash and 2,000 dollars in traveler\'schecks.

", "US English Female"); responsiveVoice.speak("When\'s the maturity date?


responsiveVoice.speak("I have mynumberswith me. } 発音を聞く


}; 私がアメリカに来た時は、何も考えずに家から近い銀行を選んでしまって、少し後悔しています。 }else{

What’s the interest rate for a saving account? responsiveVoice.cancel();

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